Sunday, 29 June 2014

Better food for all

Most Canadians were complaining about how healthy food cost more but Jamie Oliver the spokesman of sobeys like to prove you wrong In summer 2013 sobeys started a new campaign with the punch line "better food for all" with marked new items with verified understanding  chicken, pork and hamburger products highlighted with sobeys better parts in the department and a greater segment of items free from manufactured flavors and preservatives. "Humane" is a non benefit association made to enhance the lives of farm animals by giving them a clean environment and more space so the animal can be more calm and natural. certified Humane items hold no development hormones its all vegetables food and no steroids. The association also directs shock yearly investigations to make sure everything is within its standard and nothing scheming is going on.
 in the following video you will see Jamie Oliver from united kingdom who is a huge chef who also have a show that broadcasts in the afternoon time on food network he teamed up with sobeys to come up with the better food for all campaign. hes walking through a suburban neighborhood passing produces to families and urging them to not to take out cook in instead its cheaper and quicker.

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